An Interview-focused explanation of Promise Polyfill in JavaScript which helps to understand both Functional and ES6 custom promise implementation.
Anuj Sharma
Last Updated Jan 28, 2025
Promise polyfill or custom promise implementation is an essential concept to understand for frontend interviews. Implementation of promise polyfill is complex and in this guide, we will try to simplify this complex implementation by providing a step-by-step explanation.
Before diving deep into the promise polyfill in javascript it is important to understand the execution of the promise and different use cases related to then, catch, resolve and reject. This will help write custom promises and test the polyfill against the required use cases.
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve('Call is resolved');
}, 1000);
promise.then(value => {
console.log('Value after 1 sec - ', value);
Value after 1 sec - Call is resolved
const promise2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error('Error happened !!'));
}, 1000);
value => {
console.log('Value after 1 sec - ', value);
error => {
console.log('Error - ', error.message);
Error - Error happened !!
const promise2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error('Error happened !!'));
}, 1000);
.then(value => {
console.log('Value after 1 sec - ', value);
error => {
console.log('Error from catch - ', error.message);
Error from catch - Error - Error happened !!
const promise2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error('Error happened !!'));
}, 1000);
value => {
console.log('Value after 1 sec - ', value);
error => {
console.log('Error - ', error.message);
error => {
console.log('Error from catch - ', error.message);
Error - Error happened !!
The functional implementation contains the custom promise function and constructor
is executed at this state.catch()
execution happened in this state if it presents.executor
callback function. Resolve and reject functions passed by the promise implementation.successHandler
Array. This is the same array which got invoked when resolved it executed. When the promise state is FULFILLED, it invokes the handleSuccess Asynchronously. then(null, errorCallback)
. function CustomPromise(executor) {
// Step 1
const PENDING = 'pending';
const FULFILLED = 'fulfilled';
const REJECTED = 'rejected';
let state = PENDING;
let value = null;
// Store the success callbacks
let successHandlers = [];
// Store the error catch callbacks
let errorHandlers = [];
function resolve(val) {
if (state === PENDING) {
state = FULFILLED;
value = val;
// Execute all success handlers
successHandlers.forEach(fn => fn(value));
function reject(reason) {
if (state === PENDING) {
state = REJECTED;
value = reason;
// Execute all error handlers
errorHandlers.forEach(cb => cb(value));
// "then" method returns a promise
this.then = function (callback) {
return new CustomPromise(function (resolve, reject) {
// Handle the success callback asynchronously.
function handleSuccess() {
try {
const result = callback ? callback(value) : value;
//check if the result of then is also a promise
if (result && typeof result.then === 'function') {
result.then(resolve, reject);
} else {
} catch (err) {
if (state === FULFILLED) {
// Call handleSuccess asynchronously
setTimeout(handleSuccess, 0);
} else if (state === PENDING) {
// The catch method to add error handlers (syntactic sugar for .then(null, errorCallback))
this.catch = function (errorCallback) {
return this.then(null, errorCallback);
// Step 2
try {
executor(resolve, reject);
} catch (error) {
Example to execute function based CustomPromise Polyfill
const executor = (resolve, reject) => {
console.log('generating number...');
setTimeout(() => {
let randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
if (randomNumber < 10) {
resolve(`Random number generated successfully ${randomNumber}.`);
} else {
reject('Failed to generate number less than 10 !!');
}, 1000);
const generateNumber = new CustomPromise(executor);
generateNumber.then(result => {
// Random number generated successfully <random Number>
generateNumber.catch(error => {
// Failed to generate a number less than 10 !!
This ES6 implementation contains the custom promise implementation using ES6 classes.
static identifiers
as part of the class to manage the promise state.
is executed at this state.catch()
execution happened in this state if it presents.class constructor
, which takes the executor function as input and pass both resolve and reject functions while invoking the same. Invocation of resolve and reject will determine whether promise is FULFILLED or REJECTED. catch() handlers or then() error handlers
which was part of either catch() callback function or then() callback function. successHandler
Array. This is the same array which got invoked when resolved it executed. When the promise state is FULFILLED, it invoks the handleSuccess Asynchronously. then(null, errorCallback)
. class CustomPromise {
// Step 1
static STATE = {
PENDING: 'pending',
FULFILLED: 'fulfilled',
REJECTED: 'rejected',
constructor(executor) {
this.state = CustomPromise.STATE.PENDING;
this.value = null;
this.successHandlers = [];
this.errorHandlers = [];
const resolve = (val) => {
if (this.state === CustomPromise.STATE.PENDING) {
this.state = CustomPromise.STATE.FULFILLED;
this.value = val;
this.successHandlers.forEach(callback => callback(this.value));
const reject = (reason) => {
if (this.state === CustomPromise.STATE.PENDING) {
this.state = CustomPromise.STATE.REJECTED;
this.value = reason;
this.errorHandlers.forEach(callback => callback(this.value));
// Step 2
try {
executor(resolve, reject);
} catch (error) {
then(callback) {
return new CustomPromise((resolve, reject) => {
const handleSuccess = ()=>{
const result = callback ? callback(this.value) : this.value;
if(result && typeof result.then === 'function'){
result.then(resolve, reject)
if (this.state === CustomPromise.STATE.FULFILLED) {
setTimeout(handleSuccess, 0);
} else if (this.state === CustomPromise.STATE.PENDING) {
catch(errorCallback) {
return this.then(null, errorCallback);
Example usage of ES6 based CustomPromise polyfill
const executor = (resolve, reject) => {
console.log('generating number...');
setTimeout(() => {
let randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
if (randomNumber < 7) {
resolve(`Random number generated successfully ${randomNumber}.`);
} else {
reject('Failed to generate number less than 10 !!');
}, 1000);
const generateNumber = new CustomPromise(executor);
generateNumber.then(result => {
// Random number generated successfully <random Number>
generateNumber.catch(error => {
// Failed to generate a number less than 10 !!
Implementing Promise polyfill in JavaScript is the most common interview question in experienced frontend interviews. Its important to map the actual working of the polyfill with the implementation of the Promise Polyfill to understand it fully. This way you need not to keep the whole implementation in mind rather you can derive the whole Promise Polyfill implementation on the fly using the usage pattern of the Promise in JavaScript.
Hope you will be able to understand the Promise Polyfill in JavaScript implementation in depth to Ace the next frontend interview.
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