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Hey 👋 Frontend Lovers,

Welcome to FrontendGeek.com !
I'm Anuj Sharma, a seasoned engineering manager at Dell Technologies and a frontend tech enthusiast who wants to make frontend interview preparation easier by offering the best curated resources in an organized manner.

Our Mission

I am on a mission to help you succeed in your next Frontend Interview with ease and create a frontend community which can help peers by providing curated resources for frontend interviews and many more things like Interview Experiences, Referrals, Books etc in future.

What We Offer

  • FrontendGeek provides best curated resources in the most structured format in form of YouTube Videos, GitHub projects, and custom blogs to help you Ace your next frontend interview.
  • In future, we will be adding more curated resources like Interview Experiences, Frontend Job Referrals, Frontend Books etc.

Our Team

Anuj Sharma
About Us

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