A concise explanation of the bind method in JavaScript, followed by a step-by-step exploration of how to create bind polyfill in JavaScript by understanding its internal implementation.
Ram V
Last Updated Nov 30, 2024
bind method takes the first argument as an object (which works as a context) and the rest arguments are individually passed to the function. The "bind" method returns the borrowed function with bonded context and the returned function can be called
function userInfo(city) {
console.log(`${this.name} is ${this.age} years old, lives in ${city}`);
// Object Context
const user = {
name: "Ram",
age: 23,
// First Arg - Context (user)
// The rest of the arguments passed to the function, here 'Jaipur' passed to the city arg
const functionWithContext = userInfo.bind(user, 'Jaipur');
functionWithContext(); // Output: Ram is 23 years old, lives in Jaipur
Step 1: Validate, that the invoker should function, if not then throw an Error
Step 2: Set context to globalThis, if nothing is defined. globalThis has window context in the browser and global in the Node environment. It means if there is no context defined as part bind(), then the default context is the window.
Step 3: Create a symbol and assign the function to that symbol key, it works like below
let's say context (object) has a key mapped to the function, and in this case, that function can access the object context
context obj {
context keys
<unique symbol key> : this 👈 Now this has access to the whole context object
Step 4: Finally Return a function, and on call of that bonded function it calls currentContext[<unique symbol key>] with the provided rest of the arguments as part of bind and while calling that function.
Function.prototype.myCustomBind = function (context, ...args) {
// Check if the myCustomBind is invoked by a function <this>.myCustomBind()
if (typeof this !== "function") {
throw new Error(this + "is not a function");
// Set the context to the provided context or globalThis if none is provided
const currentContex = context || globalThis;
// Create a unique property to avoid name collisions
const newFunc = Symbol();
// Assign the original function to the new property in the context
currentContex[newFunc] = this;
// Return a new function that, when called, will execute the original function
return function (...newArgs) {
// Call the original function with the original args and any new args
return currentContex[newFunc](...args, ...newArgs);
const defaultBind = userType.bind(user);
defaultBind(); // Ram is 23 years old
const bindFunc = userType.myCustomBind(user);
bindFunc(); // Ram is 23 years old
Once you understand how binds work, it will be very easy to understand the other function methods call & apply and their polyfill implementation.
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